Together for Regenerative Agriculture

Together for Regenerative Agriculture

Welcome to Lively Earth!

We are a dedicated collective working to fund and deploy agricultural practices that rejuvenate our planet.

Our Vision: A World Teeming with Life

We envision a world where life flourishes, natural balances are restored, and humans and nature coexist in harmony. In a world soon to host 10 billion people, we firmly believe in a simple and powerful solution: regenerative agriculture.

Our Mission: Acting in Accordance with the Laws of Life

We commit to nourishing the world while adhering to the principles of regenerative agriculture: chemical-free, minimal soil disturbance, and a deep respect for every ecosystem element. We support those who heal and regenerate our lands - our farmers, producers, and breeders.

Our Call to Action: Collaborate and Innovate

Lively Earth fosters collaboration among all stakeholders in our food system, uniting diverse actors from organic farming to agroforestry to create powerful synergies. 

Our goal? To amplify the impact of existing initiatives and share our resources openly for maximum knowledge sharing.

Our Strategy: Transparency and Education

We advocate for transparency about the necessary transitions and challenges ahead. We are committed to educating and inspiring wider adoption of regenerative agriculture, bringing unprecedented clarity to practices and supply chains.

Our Financial Commitment: Innovative Funding

Addressing the acute lack of ground-level financing, we offer a unique approach. Thanks to philanthropists' generosity, we designed zero-interest loans, tailored to catalyze change in farms and local agri-food SMEs. 

Our Goal: Tangible and Measurable Impact

Our ambition is substantial yet achievable: to raise €5 million by 2024 and manage €75 million by 2030. These funds will develop sustainable supply chains, finance innovative projects, and educate millions on the benefits of regenerative agriculture.

Join Us on This Regenerative Journey

We invite every financier, brand, producer, and facilitator to join us. Together, we can multiply inspiring success stories and transform how we nourish our world.

Cultivating a Sustainable Future, Together.