Discover our members' commitment to Regenerative agriculture.

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A Clear and Ambitious Definition of Regenerative Agriculture

We promote a holistic approach to agriculture aimed at regenerating living ecosystems to leave future generations a habitable and just world. We are committed to encouraging the deployment of all agroecological principles, such as:

  • - Minimizing disturbances (tillage, synthetic inputs)

  • Protecting soils (permanent cover crops)

  • Integrating animals and crops

  • Promoting soil life

  • Encouraging biodiversity

  • Adapting to each farmer's specific context

We are journeying together toward a regenerative organic north star.

Priority to Regenerative Agriculture

We place regenerative agriculture at the heart of our strategy. We firmly believe that regenerative agriculture is the solution to environmental challenges (climate, water, biodiversity), social issues (food quality, farmer health, economic viability of farms), and societal concerns (recognition and value of farmers as guardians of our living ecosystems). It is essential to preserve our individual freedoms in the context of surpassing planetary limits.

Measurement and Monitoring

Regenerative agriculture is not an end in itself but a means to regenerate ecosystems. Measuring the outcomes of initiatives is crucial to guide the deployment and implementation of practices. We commit to initiating this approach with a logic of exemplarity and inspiration for the broader ecosystem.

Commitment to Transparency - No Greenwashing

Trust is built on transparency. We commit to communicating transparently about our transitions and sharing the results of our initiatives. We promote the generalization of transparency throughout the ecosystem.

Defending the Right to Beneficial Food

We defend Europeans' right to access food that benefits the environment, their health, and their farmers.

Legislative Support

We commit to advocating for laws that favor regenerative agriculture, its financing, transparency in agri-food ecosystems, and rewarding farmers for the ecosystem services they provide.

Employee Involvement

We actively involve our employees by informing them, inviting them to contribute to projects, and enabling them to participate actively. We dedicate at least 100 hours per year to the actions of the collective.


We share our best practices beyond competition and ideologies to inspire, encourage action, and contribute to collective reflection on regenerative agriculture.

Ecosystem Engagement

We raise awareness among all our stakeholders about the importance of regenerative agriculture, informing them of our actions and our approach.

Regular Communication

We regularly share the collective’s actions on our social networks to mobilize public opinion and promote our commitment.

Active Contribution

We contribute actively, according to our resources and time: annual membership fees, participation in meetings, workshops, project proposals, skills sponsorship, media advocacy.

Spreading our Values 

We seek new members who share our values (Collaboration, Ambition, Transparency), inform them about the collective, and invite them to join us.

No Actions Hindering the Development of Regenerative Practices

We commit not to undertake any legal, lobbying, or communication actions that would hinder the development of regenerative agriculture or, more broadly, any regenerative practices, whether economic, social, environmental, or governance-related. Lively Earth reserves the right to exclude any member who goes against this approach.