Portrait Lively Earth #10 : Pierre Weill - Expert

Portrait Lively Earth #10 : Pierre Weill - Expert


Agronomist, scientist, and entrepreneur, Pierre Weill (co-president of Bleu Blanc Coeur) has been working for over twenty years on the relationship between agricultural production, environment, and health. He has participated in several clinical studies dedicated to the effects of the environment on human health. Here, he explains why he chose to join Lively Earth as an expert. Enjoy your reading!

Portrait Lively Earth #9 : Fabien Balaguer - Expert

Portrait Lively Earth #9 : Fabien Balaguer - Expert


Fabien Balaguer, an agronomist, is the director of the French Agroforestry Association. He joined the Lively Earth Collective from the beginning as an expert. Here, he reflects on his journey and explains why.

Portrait Lively Earth #8 : Grégoire Forzy - Agriculteur

Portrait Lively Earth #8 : Grégoire Forzy - Agriculteur


Grégoire Forzy, a farmer for 15 years, took over the family farm in Normandy. Ten years ago, he decided to implement regenerative practices, and for the past five years, he has chosen to convert part of his farm to organic agriculture! Here, he reflects on the reasons for these changes, the challenges faced, and the conditions for success in implementing more virtuous agricultural practices. We are delighted to count him among the "Lively Earth farmers". Happy reading!

Portrait Lively Earth #7 : Rémi Thinard - Expert

Portrait Lively Earth #7 : Rémi Thinard - Expert


Trainer and advisor in agroecology at Symbiotik Agroecology, Rémi Thinard also works on research projects focusing on microbiology and organic matter. A specialist in soil health, he explains why he chose to join Lively Earth as an expert.

Portrait Lively Earth #6 : Naturalia - Cofondateur

Portrait Lively Earth #6 : Naturalia - Cofondateur


In 2023, Naturalia partnered with five other companies to co-found Lively Earth. Here, we reveal this sixth Lively Earth profile. Naturalia is a distributor of certified organic products. Mostly present in urban areas, Naturalia has around 240 stores.