Portrait Lively Earth #5 : Omie - Co-fondateur

Portrait Lively Earth #5 : Omie - Co-fondateur


In 2023, Omie partnered with five other companies to co-found Lively Earth. Here, we reveal this fifth Lively Earth profile. Omie offers both sweet and savory grocery products designed to support an agricultural model that regenerates ecosystems and ensures a fair price for its producers.

Portrait Lively Earth #4 - Farm for Good - Co-fondateur

Portrait Lively Earth #4 - Farm for Good - Co-fondateur


In 2023, Farm For Good partnered with five other companies to co-found Lively Earth. Here, we reveal this fourth Lively Earth profile. Farm For Good is a cooperative farm that helps farmers to successfully transition towards regen and organic practices.

Portrait Lively Earth #3 - AXA Climate - Co-fondateur

Portrait Lively Earth #3 - AXA Climate - Co-fondateur


In 2023, AXA Climate partnered with five other companies to co-found Lively Earth. Here, we reveal this third Lively Earth profile. Axa Climate has developed four lines of business: insurance, financing, training, and consulting to serve the regenerative economy.

Portrait Lively Earth #2 - Crowdfarming - Co-fondateur

Portrait Lively Earth #2 - Crowdfarming - Co-fondateur


In 2023, Crowdfarming partnered with five other companies to co-found Lively Earth. Here, we reveal this second Lively Earth profile. CrowdFarming offers sustainable farmers a one-stop-shop platform to directly sell their products to the end consumer, without intermediaries.

Portrait Lively Earth #1 : Alpina Savoie - Co-fondateur

Portrait Lively Earth #1 : Alpina Savoie - Co-fondateur


In 2023, Alpina Savoie partnered with five other companies to co-found Lively Earth. Here, we reveal this first Lively Earth profile.